Visit, which is a website dedicated to this project. Learn about upcoming public workshops, complete a rider profile survey, join the bike park email list, and follow the project on Facebook.
The Marin County Department of Parks and Open Space recognized a community interest in developing a bike park in 2009 and examined several sites throughout Marin County. A matrix was developed which included rankings for size, acquisition cost, infrastructure, topography, and other issues. Of the properties explored, Stafford Lake Park ranked highest in potential for a bike park. In February 2010, the Marin County Board of Supervisors authorized staff to proceed with further planning. Following the Board’s direction, the department’s park planning staff oversaw the preparation of a Feasibility Study to determine whether Stafford Lake Park met the general criteria for a bike park. The study, which was accepted by the Board in November 2010, confirmed the suitability of the park for a progressive skills bicycle facility.
The Marin County Parks and Open Space Department manages 25 parks and pathways and 34 open space preserves. Parks are designed to provide opportunities for active recreation with facilities that include soccer fields, softball fields, a skateboard park, a 9-hole golf course and driving range, a miniature golf course, swimming pools, playgrounds, fishing piers, boat launches, picnic areas, and parking lots. The proposed bike park at Stafford Lake Park is consistent with facilities offered at other Marin County parks.
Stafford Lake Park is 129 acres, of which approximately 20 acres is currently developed. The park includes a playground, opportunities for fishing, picnic tables and group picnic areas, covered seating, and playfields. The park is also home to a variety of special events such as concerts. The area of the proposed bike park was once used as the site of a renaissance fair. It is currently disked, seeded, and harvested for hay by a neighboring rancher.
Through a series of site visits and hands-on workshops, the Stafford Lake Bike Park Master Plan process will engage the public in the design of riding features as well as key site elements such as parking, picnic areas, viewing areas, and restrooms. The design will also incorporate important engineering and environmental considerations to protect both the site and the Stafford Lake drinking water supply.
A bike park master plan that:
- Incorporates a variety of riding styles
- Appeals to families and young riders as well as experienced riders
- Respects the requirement that no additional sedimentation occur within Stafford Lake
- Respects private property
- Respect other visitors within Stafford Lake Park
Consistency with Existing Plans and Policies
The development of a bike park at Stafford Lake County Park is consistent with countywide and department plans and policies, including the following:
- Marin County Department of Parks and Open Space Strategic Plan (June 2008)
- Marin Countywide Plan (June 2007)
Public Involvement
The Department welcomes and encourages public input throughout the bike park master plan and design process. Visit to learn about the different ways to get involved—attend workshops, complete surveys, volunteer, etc. Workshops and site visits will be conducted at initiation of the master plan, at 20% design, at 60% design and at 90% design. The final project will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
Public Workshop Schedule
All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held in accessible sites. Requests for accommodations may be made by calling (415) 473-2495 (voice/TTY) or 711 for the California Relay Service or by e-mailing at least four work days in advance of the event.
Visit for more information and details about workshops.